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Greg Greene


Greg Greene joined the WINGS team in January 2007.  A graduate of The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington Greg spent nearly 6 years working in the field on various research projects focusing on avian physiology, migration, ecology, and speciation. Prior to joining WINGS Greg was a staff member at the University of Arizona’s Natural History Museum, where he had worked for a little over 3 years. In 2002 Greg was hired as a consultant by the Smithsonian Institute’s: Conservation & Research Center, and was sent to New Guinea where he spent nearly a year studying avian biogeography in addition to the famous, poisonous bird, the pitohui. 

Greg is excited to be a part of the WINGS staff and is happy to call Tucson home, a city that he finds perfect for his active lifestyle. When not working you can be assured he’s either on his bike or hiking in the mountains.