Trinidad and Tobago

with Trinidad Piping Guan

Tufted Coquette
Tufted Coquette
Ethan Kistler
The view from the Asa Wright balcony overlooking productive bird feeders.
The view from the Asa Wright balcony overlooking productive bird feeders.
Ethan Kistler
Yerettê Hummingbird Sanctuary hosts hundreds of individual hummingbirds offering up-close views.
Yerettê Hummingbird Sanctuary hosts hundreds of individual hummingbirds offering up-close views.
Ethan Kistler
Ruby-topaz Hummingbird is certainly a crowd pleaser.
Ruby-topaz Hummingbird is certainly a crowd pleaser.
Ethan Kistler
Copper-rumped Hummingbird
Copper-rumped Hummingbird
Ethan Kistler
The Endemic Trinidad Piping-Guan
The Endemic Trinidad Piping-Guan
Ethan Kistler
Watching one of several Trinidad Piping-Guans
Watching one of several Trinidad Piping-Guans
Ethan Kistler
The Caroni Swamp canal
The Caroni Swamp canal
Ethan Kistler
Caroni Swamp is famous for Scarlet Ibis and in recent years, American Flamingos.
Caroni Swamp is famous for Scarlet Ibis and in recent years, American Flamingos.
Ethan Kistler
Sunset dinner boat trip in the Caroni Swamp
Sunset dinner boat trip in the Caroni Swamp
Ethan Kistler
Little Tobago Island viewpoint where various nesting seabirds can be seen.
Little Tobago Island viewpoint where various nesting seabirds can be seen.
Ethan Kistler
Blue-chinned Sapphire
Blue-chinned Sapphire
Ethan Kistler
Central American Tree Boa
Central American Tree Boa
Ethan Kistler
Jan 11-21, 2026
Tour Price to be Determined
Tour balances paid by check/bank transfer may carry a 4% discount

Lying just off the coast of Venezuela, the island of Trinidad shares much of its birdlife with the nearby continent. A large percentage of South America’s avian families are represented but without the confounding variety of species encountered on the mainland. For this reason, combined with its pleasant island atmosphere, its logistical accessibility (English is the official language), and world-renowned accommodations, Trinidad has long been considered the destination for fostering an understanding of Neotropical birds. 

While on the island we’ll visit the famous Asa Wright Nature Centre, which perhaps needs no introduction. At this former coffee plantation now invaded by rainforest and converted into a first-rate eco-lodge, we’ll be sure to devote ample time to simply enjoying the grounds and the view from the veranda, letting the dazzling array of birdlife come to us. Visiting the feeders daily are perhaps 10 or more species of hummingbird, including Tufted Coquette; honeycreepers; and several species of tanager. Bearded Bellbirds can be seen from the lodge, as well as Channel-billed Toucan, nesting Crested Oropendolas, manakins, several species of swift, and a variety of tropical raptors, among many others. The grounds are also home to a colony of Oilbirds, one of the most accessible colonies in the world of this spectacular and enigmatic bird. We’ll also pick a day for a spectacular boat trip through Caroni Swamp out to a roost of Scarlet Ibis, herons, and egrets numbering in the many thousands. 

Once hunted to near-extinction, the Trinidad Piping Guan has been the focus of considerable local conservation efforts. The bird has responded well to this effort and has been slowly increasing in numbers and visibility. We will make a special effort to find this bird along the northern coast of Trinidad at Grand Riviere. 

A short plane ride from Trinidad will take us to the island of Tobago, Trinidad’s smaller, more Caribbean, and (perhaps) even fairer sister. Based at another scenic and bird-rich eco-lodge, we’ll have the opportunity to search for a number of species not present on Trinidad, while enjoying beautiful sand beaches, rainforest, and a short boat ride to Little Tobago Island, where swarms of seabirds—including frigatebirds, Red-tailed Tropicbirds, and boobies—build their nests. Tobago is also an excellent island for vagrants, of either New World or Old World origins. 

Few tours combine relaxed pace, comfortable lodgings, and relatively little travel with such an intense tropical birding experience. 

Tour Team
Itinerary (Click to see more)

Day 1: The tour begins mid-afternoon at Trinidad’s Piarco International Airport, where you will be met and transferred to our hotel in Talparo, on the rainforest’s edge. Nestled within a lush garden, this will be our base for our first two nights in Trinidad. Night near Talparo.

Day 2: We’ll kick off the birding with a visit to the verdant Maracas Valley. Known as the hummingbird mecca of Trinidad, we may see up to 14 species of hummingbirds up close as we explore the tropical garden, which hosts delights such as the ornate Tufted Coquette, the stunning Ruby-topaz Hummingbird, and the distinct White-necked Jacobin.

Following lunch, we’ll take a very short drive over to the world-renowned Caroni Swamp, the second-largest mangrove wetland in Trinidad & Tobago. Transferring into a private flat-bottomed boat,we will delve into the heart of the spectacular mangrove forests. Snaking through narrow watercourses among these tranquil and tangled mangroves, we’ll look for Straight-billed Woodcreeper, Silvered Antbird, Black-crested Antshrike, American Pygmy and Green Kingfishers, and Herons of every possible description. In the skies above, we may be treated to a selection of Trinidad’s extensive variety of raptors including Short-tailed Hawks, Long-winged Harriers, Plumbeous Kites, Gray-lined Hawks, and Bat Falcons. We may even spot a sleeping Silky Anteater coiled up on a branch along the way.

When the sun begins to dip lower in the sky, we’ll emerge out into an open expanse of water, greeted by the sight of dozens of American Flamingos feeding. Cattle, Great and Snowy Egrets, along with Tricolored Herons and Little Blue Herons arrive and proceed to decorate the emerald-colored mangrove islands.

As evening sets in, we’ll be in a great place to witness one of Trinidad’s famous natural spectacles: the flight of Scarlet Ibis, herons, and egrets, thousands strong, coming to roost in the mangroves of Caroni. We’ll enjoy dinner on a private cruise through the swamp to finish out the day. Night near Talparo.

Days 3: This morning we’ll work our way through picturesque rural villages and peaceful farm roads on our way to an area characterized by pockets of wetlands and pastures bordered by mangroves. This hodgepodge of habitats hosts a wide variety of species including Ruddy-breasted Seedeater, Striped Cuckoo, Pinnated Bittern, Yellow-chinned Spinetail, Limpkin, Spotted Tody-Flycatcher, Yellow-hooded Blackbird, Red-breasted Meadowlark and Masked Yellowthroat. Wattled Jacana, Ringed Kingfisher, White-headed Marsh Tyrant, Purple Gallinule, Striated Heron, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, and Black-tailed Tityras are all possible as well.

In the afternoon we’ll work our way towards an extensive tidal mudflat along the west coast of the island. Impressive numbers of Yellow-billed and Large-billed Terns are usually around, and we’ll also keep an eye open for Collared Plovers among other shorebirds. This area of Trinidad has hosted several vagrants, and we’ll keep an eye out for wayward shorebirds and gulls and perhaps the rare Rufous Crab-Hawk, a resident that has been recorded along this stretch of coastline.

In the late afternoon we’ll check into the recently reopened, refurbished, and world-renowned Asa Wright Nature Center, our comfortable base for the next three nights. Night at Asa Wright Nature Center.

Days 4-5: The first morning at Asa Wright can be almost overwhelming to the senses. Excellent birding can be had right from the lodge’s famed veranda. As we sip coffee or tea, we’ll enjoy close encounters with many of the 25 or more species that regularly visit the feeders here, including several species of colorful tanagers as well as hummingbirds. The veranda also offers a spectacular view over the surrounding forest, where many other species not prone to visit the feeders can be spotted in the first rays of sun lighting the treetops, including Bearded Bellbird or perhaps even Ornate Hawk-Eagle. Still more species can be seen by taking short walks on the grounds or along the narrow entrance road to the lodge. We may witness the exuberant displays of Golden-headed and White-bearded Manakins; three species of trogon are also possible. 

One of the main attractions at Asa Wright is the deep fissure known as Dunton Cave. Along the way we’ll keep an eye out for the non-bird denizens of the forest here such as Red-rumped Agouti and Golden Tegu Lizard. The main attraction here though is the bizarre Oilbird, which takes of residence in the cave. This is one of the most accessible Oilbird locations in the world and we’ll enjoy face-to-face views with this monotypic species.

The next morning will take us farther into the majestic forest of the Northern Range along the Blanchisseuse Road, where we’ll look for Black-faced Antthrush, Speckled Tanager, and Golden-crowned Warbler, among many others. We’ll keep an eye to the sky for raptors, including the beautiful White Hawk. 

Lunch will find us in the charming village of Brasso Seco and will be followed by a cacao demonstration (featuring samples!) from one of the local farmers belonging to a community initiative. Here, surrounded by cacao trees, we may also be joined by Turquoise Tanager, Lineated and Chestnut Woodpeckers, and Green Hermit. Afterwards, we’ll continue through the mountains to Morne la Croix where Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Yellow-rumped Cacique, Yellow-headed Caracara, Crested Oropendola and Long-billed Gnatwren are possible. Settling down with tea and cakes (or a home-brewed rum punch if you prefer), we have the pleasure of watching dazzlingly colorful Blue-headed Parrots fly into their roosts.

Following a delicious meal, we’ll go on a night walk through the lush forest where we’ll try to encounter nocturnal species such as Trinidad Chevron Tarantulas, Coral Snakes, Spectacled Owls, Tropical Screech-Owls, and Tailless Whip Scorpions. Nights at Asa Wright Nature Center.

Day 6: On our final morning at Asa Wright, we’ll revel in the incredible dawn chorus and enjoy the myriad of species that come into the feeders and numerous flowering plants and trees that surround the lodge’s verandah. The extensive property hosts several forest-dwelling species, and we’ll target any remaining species we haven’t yet seen. We’ll pay a visit to leks tucked away in the forest, where the Golden-headed and White-bearded Manakins will be entertaining us with their territorial displays, which is always a sight to be had! A final stroll along the Discovery Trail will hopefully unearth some treasured gems such as Gray-throated Leaftosser and Black-faced Antthrush. Our walk culminates at a reliable spot for up-close sightings of the remarkable Bearded Bellbird - an unforgettable encounter.

In the afternoon we’ll depart Asa Wright and head to the quaint fishing village of Grand Riviere on Trinidad’s rugged and dramatic north coast. Here, we will search for the endemic Trinidad Piping Guan (known locally as Pawi). This is the only reliable site remaining on Earth for encounters with a bird that once numbered many thousands of individuals, but that has been hunted relentlessly and now teeters on the verge of extinction. We’ll make a few birding stops along the way but upon arrival at Grand Riviere our main focus for the afternoon will be searching for the guan among the wild nutmeg trees, which provide their preferred food. The birding is excellent here and the afternoon may reveal 60 or more species.

Having hopefully found the Pawi, we will check into our hotel in time for dinner. The stretch of unspoiled quartz-rich sand in front of the hotel is one of the most important nesting grounds for the Leatherback Turtle in the world, and boasts hundreds of sightings during the months of March to August. With luck, we will bear witness as these gargantuan prehistoric marine reptiles haul themselves up the beach, clambering over one another, to lay their eggs along this protected coastline. Night in Grand Riviere.

Day 7: This morning, we will have a second chance of viewing the Piping Guan, particularly if we did not see it in the previous afternoon. The surrounding area, nestled in a large cacao estate, should be active with birds feeding on the wild nutmeg trees and we’ll keep an eye out for Little Tinamou, Smooth-billed Ani, White-tipped Dove, White-flanked Antwren, Purple, Red-legged and Green Honeycreepers, Pale-breasted Spinetail, and a host of hummingbirds.

After lunch we’ll have a more relaxed afternoon enjoying the tranquility of our surroundings and searching for any species we may still be missing. Night in Grand Riviere.

Day 8: Following breakfast, we will depart for the 2-hour ride to the airport and our short flight to Tobago, where we’ll transfer to our lodgings at Cuffie River Nature Retreat located on the edge of the historic Main Ridge Forest Reserve. Geologically, culturally, and ornithologically distinct, Tobago is quite different than its larger neighbor Trinidad and this will be quite evident on our arrival. Along the way we’ll visit a small mangrove where White-fringed Antwren and the endemic “Tobago” subspecies of Scrub Greenlet can be found. We’ll again find ourselves living amid excellent habitat, and our new home offers chances for Ruby-topaz Hummingbird, Trinidad Motmot, and Common Potoo, among a host of others. Night at Cuffie River Nature Retreat.

Days 9-10: From our base at Cuffie, we’ll explore the island paradise of Tobago. For one morning we will explore the Gilpin Trace, a magnificent piece of pristine forest draped in mosses and lianas. We visit a little-known lek for Blue-backed Manakin and delight in the acrobatic antics of this beautiful species. Here we may also encounter, among others, Plain Antvireo, Olivaceous Woodcreeper, Stripe-breasted Spinetail, Yellow-legged Thrush, and the near-endemic White-tailed Sabrewing. Elsewhere we’ll be in search of other species not found on Trinidad, including Rufous-vented Chachalaca, Striped Owl, White-fringed Antwren, and Red-crowned Woodpecker. The late afternoon is yours to stroll the grounds and surrounding trails or select a favorite perch either on the front or rear main balcony from which to enjoy sightings of an incredible array of hummingbirds - including the aforementioned Sabrewing. Over 100 species have been spotted in this forest, so we’ll have much of the day searching for them.

As sunset approaches, flocks of parrots, parrotlets, and noisy chachalacas break the silence as they return to their evening roosts. After dark we’ll search for the tiny White-tailed Nightjar, a near-endemic which can be found right on the property.

For our second day on Tobago, we’ll drive along the scenic coastline towards the seaside town of Speyside. Here we’ll trade our vehicle for a glass-bottomed boat to take a short ride out to Little Tobago Island. The island, one of the country’s most significant wildlife sanctuaries, boasts one of the largest seabird colonies in the entire Caribbean and upon approach from the boat numerous seabirds should already be visible wheeling and cavorting over the waves. As we disembark from the jetty, we will begin our ascent into the dry tropical forest. Here the spectacular tropical scenery is enhanced by a great show of nesting seabirds. Red-billed Tropicbirds, Brown and Red-footed Boobies, and Magnificent Frigatebirds whirl about, and we may even spot an Audubon’s Shearwater out over the sea. These encounters are interspersed with regular sightings of Bridled, Sooty, Roseate and Royal Terns as well as Brown Noddies.

We’ll return to Tobago for lunch, and afterwards we’ll have the afternoon to explore more of the tropical gardens of our accommodation and the busy feeding frenzy at the bird feeders. Nights at Cuffie River Nature Retreat.

Day 11: After breakfast, we’ll transfer to the airport for our return 20-minute flight from Tobago to Trinidad and onward journey home.

Last updated May 06, 2024
Tour Information (Click to see more)

Note: The information presented here is an abbreviated version of our formal General Information for Tours to Trinidad and Tobago. Its purpose is solely to give readers a sense of what might be involved if they take this tour. Although we do our best to make sure that what follows here is completely accurate, it should not be used as a replacement for the formal document which will be sent to all tour registrants, and whose content supersedes any information contained here.

ENTERING & LEAVING TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: U.S. citizens must have a passport valid for at least six months after your scheduled departure from Trinidad and Tobago, and with at least one blank page for an entry stamp.

COUNTRY INFORMATION: You can review the U.S. Department of State Country Specific Travel Information here: Review foreign travel advice from the UK government here: and travel advice and advisories from the Government of Canada here:

PACE OF TOUR: We’ll make early starts some days, and we’ll be birding all day, usually returning to our lodging about an hour before dinner and checklist. On other days, e.g. when birding the grounds of Asa Wright, we’ll be close to our lodgings and may have the opportunity for a break/cooling off period after lunch, before resuming birding later in the afternoon.

Birding will often be along roads or tracks, with the notable exception of the hike to Dunston Cave for Oilbirds. This is an easy to moderate hike on a good trail and takes less than an hour even while stopping for birds along the way. The Gilpin Trace trail on Tobago is a well-worn path and we’ll walk it at a very slow pace. To view the seabirds on Little Tobago Island involves a walk up a rather long woodland stairway to reach a vista on the opposite side of the island.

Bathroom Breaks: We’ll be in close proximity to bathrooms most of the tour. There may be the occasional time where bathrooms are not available such as on Little Tobago Island or while birding trails.

HEALTH: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all travelers be up to date on routine vaccinations. These include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.

They further recommend that most travelers have protection against Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Please contact your doctor well in advance of your tour’s departure as some medications must be initiated weeks before the period of possible exposure.

The most current information about travelers’ health recommendations can be found on the CDC’s Travel Health website at

Smoking: Smoking is prohibited in the vehicles or when the group is gathered for meals, checklists, etc. If you are sharing a room with a non-smoker, please do not smoke in the room. If you smoke in the field, do so well away and downwind from the group. If any location where the group is gathered has a stricter policy than the WINGS policy, that stricter policy will prevail.

Biting Insects: Biting insects are not numerous, although mosquitoes, black flies and chiggers occur locally. A can of spray repellent should provide adequate protection against the first two while the latter can normally be avoided by staying out of the grass on the trails and road. If you are especially sensitive to insect bites, bring an antihistamine.

Water: Although tap water is generally safe to drink on Trinidad and Tobago, bottled water will be provided in our tour vehicles.  We recommend packing a refillable water bottle to limit the use of plastic, to be filled either at tap or from a jug provided by the leader.

Motion Sickness: Many of the roads on Trinidad and Tobago are narrow and winding.  If you are especially prone to carsickness, we recommend packing an antiemetic such as Dramamine.  The boat ride to Little Tobago Island is about 20 minutes on generally calm seas.

CLIMATE: Daily temperatures on Trinidad and Tobago average around 80 degrees F.  Our tour falls at the end of the dry season/beginning of the rainy season, meaning fewer crowds and a peak in avian activity.  While we won’t expect excessive rain, come prepared for the chance shower.

ACCOMMODATION: We’ll be staying in good quality hotels or lodges throughout. All rooms will have private facilities. The recently updated Asa Wright rooms are very comfortable and have good AC units.

Internet: WiFi internet is available at all of our lodgings, sometimes confined to public areas.

FOOD:  Food at both Asa Wright and Cuffie is excellent, typically consisting of local Trinidadian and Tobagonian flavors.  Meals taken on the road will generally be picnic-style or at good roadside restaurants.  The local cuisine on Trinidad and Tobago is world renowned, combining Indian, African, Creole, Amerindian, European, Chinese and Lebanese influences.  We’ll be sure to sample many of the famed national dishes, many of which will satisfy vegetarians as well as those who enjoy fish but not red meat. 

WINGS tours are all-inclusive, and no refunds can be issued for any tour meals participants choose to skip.

Drinks: Bottled water or a soft drink or a beer/glass of wine is provided at lunch and dinner, as is coffee or tea. All other drinks or ‘personal’ drinking water for use in your room etc. is the responsibility of the individual.  

Food Allergies / Requirements: We cannot guarantee that all food allergies can be accommodated at every destination. Participants with significant food allergies or special dietary requirements should bring appropriate foods with them for those times when their needs cannot be met. Announced meal times are always approximate depending on how the day unfolds. Participants who need to eat according to a fixed schedule should bring supplemental food. Please contact the WINGS office if you have any questions.

TRANSPORTATION: We’ll travel primarily in a small bus/large van while on both islands. Transportation from Trinidad to Tobago is a short flight on Caribbean Airlines.

Last updated May 06, 2024
Bird Lists (Click to see more)
Map (Click to see more)
Narrative (Click to see more)

2019 Narrative

This year’s tour to Trinidad and Tobago was wonderful, with a week of superb birding, excellent food and accommodations, and fine companionship making for a truly enjoyable time.  On Trinidad, with our wonderful local guide Roodal Ramlal, we took leisurely day-trips from our base at the world-class lodge at Asa Wright Nature Center.  We spent an evening night-birding at Aripo Savannah, took a boat ride through the mangroves at Caroni Swamp, explored the east coast around Nariva Swamp, and ventured into the highlands just up the road from the lodge.  Staying at Asa means that even “downtime” offers the possibility of thrilling birding, either around the grounds, or simply from the veranda of the main house, where the bird feeders are a constant hotspot of fervent activity.  After five nights at Asa Wright, we took the short plane ride over to Tobago to stay at Cuffie River Nature Retreat, a beautiful, open-air lodge with exceptional meals, and excellent birding on the grounds.  From Cuffie we took excursions to Gilpin Trace, the world’s oldest rainforest preserve, and to Little Tobago Island.  From the bustling and jungle-like atmosphere of much of Trinidad, Tobago offers a contrast, with a more laid-back, Caribbean air. 

Asa Wright quickly felt like home to us, and we spent much of our first full day there just observing the birdlife in the immediate area.  Awaking to the gong of the Bearded Bellbird, we looked out from the veranda and tallied an impressive list, including half a dozen species of tanagers and as many species of hummingbirds, Squirrel Cuckoo, and swarms of honeycreepers and Euphonias crowding the feeders.  After breakfast we took a walk down a trail leading into the rich forest.  Once away from the frenzy of the veranda birds, other species soon became evident, including both Golden-headed and White-bearded Mannakins feeding on a fruiting fig tree, noisy Boat-billed Flycatchers, and lots more.  Black Hawk-Eagles cried over the forest canopy.  As we approached one bellbird territory, the sound became deafening, and by remaining silent we were rewarded with breathtaking views of the odd bird giving his tremendous song, like a blacksmith on an anvil.  After a tasty lunch we had time for some more birding on the grounds, sorting out four species of swifts over the lodge, and watching a White Hawk pursued by a little Bat Falcon.  A parade of ants on the driveway produced excellent looks at woodcreepers and White-bellied Antbirds, among others.  In the late afternoon we took an excursion to nearby Aripo Savannah with Roodal.  Arriving with the last rays of sun, we quickly spotted Sulphury Flycatchers and Moriche Oriole, both Moriche palm specialists, and enjoyed a field dinner while listening to the plaintive song of the Little Tinamou.  As the night fell the nightbirds chimed in, including Common Pauraque in the forested areas, and White-tailed Nighjars in the grasslands.  Patrolling the roads with a spotlight produced incredible views of a Common Potoo on his perch.   

The next day after breakfast and a look out off the veranda, where several Channel-billed Toucans made appearances, we geared up for an excursion to the higher elevations on the Blanchisseuse Road.  All morning sifting through flurries of birds in the lively forest, we found such gems as Speckled Tanager, Olive-striped Flycatcher, two species of trogon, and Gray-headed Kite.  In a little village on the other side of the mountain we found a colony of Yellow-rumped Caciques, a flock of Blue-headed Parrots, and a spectacular Crimson-crested Woodpecker.  After a full day exploring the beautiful range, with views of the sea below to our north, we returned to Asa in time for some casual birding on the grounds.  Here we found Lineated Woodpecker, and the evening-feeding Long-billed Starthroat. 

Our third full day we devoted to exploring the east coast of Trinidad, with Nariva Swamp as our destination.  Setting out after breakfast (and, of course, already with some great birding had on the veranda), our first stop was the Aripo Livestock Research Station.  This area of open pasture and cattle attracts great numbers of vultures as well as raptors, including many Savanna Hawks.  A new spinetail was here, the Pale-breasted Spinetail.  Little ponds and wet areas produced both Pied Water-Tyrants and White-headed Marsh Tyrants, as well as Wattled Jacanas.  Continuing on, we reached the eastern shore at Manzanilla Beach, where we took lunch.  Not much over the waves here save a few pelicans and frigatebirds, though Yellow Orioles sang sweetly in the palms.  Driving south we encountered a number of Yellow-headed Caracaras as we neared the great swamp, stopping also for watermelons at a roadside stand.  Soon the road was flanked by mangroves on both sides, and here we found several new birds, including Silvered Antwren, Black-crested Antshrike, and Bicolored Conebill.  We ventured on to the Kernaham Road, where locals live in close intimacy with the wetlands.  Lots of wading birds here, and another new spinetail, the yellow-chin.  Other marsh birds included Yellow-hooded Blackbirds, several shorebirds, lots of Smooth-billed Anis, and a new hummingbird not found in the highlands, the White-tailed Goldenthroat.  Loafing among the palms at one homestead was a real rarity, a smart young Snail Kite.  Nearby we caught up with a majestic flock of Blue-and-Yellow Macaws, in many respects among the most spectacular of avian creations.  After lingering and taking in the sites and sounds of the swamp through the cool of the afternoon, we returned to our mountain lodge in time for a hearty dinner.

A leisurely morning of breakfast and birding was on the docket for the following day, followed by a hike on the grounds with one of the Center’s fine naturalists, to the famous cave of the Oilbirds!  We took our time on the trail, which is in excellent condition, enjoying the deep forest, finally arriving at a spot where a stream enters a great rock cleft.  We entered two or three at a time, briefly illuminating the walls with a torch, and revealing the strange creatures therein.  Oilbirds.  So-called because of their unfortunate ability to burn and stay lit for many hours.  After lunch at the lodge, we set out for our other big swamp adventure, this time to the famous Caroni Swamp on the island’s west coast.  First a stop in Trincity, where Pearl Kites were looking gorgeous in fresh new plumage.  Once at Caroni, we had time before our scheduled boat ride to look for Masked Cardinals near the boat launch, with great success.  Here we boarded a sleek and spacious wooden boat and entered the magnificent mangrove forests with our amazing guide, Lester, a man whose love for the Caroni has the deepest roots.  Gliding through the narrow lanes, we spotted several non-avian wonders, including a Boa Constrictor, and a sleeping Silky Anteater!  Birds included a new woodcreeper, a new hummingbird (Green-throated Mango), and Striped Cuckoos. Entering a big open lake, where a great flock of American Flamingos already was blushing in the late-day light, we dropped anchor, poured the punch, and watched as the evening set in over the mangroves, and with it the return of countless wading birds to their island roost.  At its peak, a nearly unabated procession of egrets, Little-blue Herons, and, oh yes, Scarlet Ibis.  Seemingly more than the little island could hold.  Upon entering the roost, the white egrets find their perches out of view, inside the trees, while the ibis stand as sentinels on the outer parts, so that the effect is as of a berry-laden holly tree.  Truly an iconic image of birding on Trinidad.

After a final morning taking in the birds of Asa, including good looks at the marvelous little Tufted Coquette hummingbird, and still finding new species like the Gray-throated Leaftosser, we had to move on, boarding a short plane hop to Tobago in the early afternoon.  Once on the beautiful, clean, ocean-breeze island, we were met by our simply great local guide, Jason Radix, and dove right into birding.  At the Bon Accord ponds we were pleased to find a Little Egret, a Whimbrel, and the first of several species not present on Trinidad, including the spectacular Scrub Greenlet.  Maybe the most beautiful hummingbird, the Ruby Topaz, is quite common here as well.  After a truly pleasant afternoon of birding, we arrived at our home base while on Tobago, the Cuffie River Nature Retreat.  Here, the Trinidad Motmot, which had all but eluded us on the island of its namesake, proved quite numerous and showy, perhaps warranting a name change.  A new hummingbird was here as well, the White-tailed Sabrewing.  Cuffie, with its brilliant setting, its wonderful meals, swimming pool, and airy spacious rooms, made for a fine place to relax indeed.  At night the White-tailed Nightjars put on a show right around the building. 

Our first full day on the island was full of adventure.  Birds at the lodge in the morning included Great Black Hawk, lots of swifts, more motmots, and many others.  Jason fetched us at Cuffie after a superb breakfast and took us to Gilpin Trace, a forest preserve since 1776 (!).  Here we found Yellow-legged Thrush, lots of Rufous-tailed Jacamars, Fuscous Flycatcher, the striking Plain Antvireo, and much more.  We had lunch in beautiful Speyside, right by the beach, and then continued on to Blue Waters Inn, where we boarded a boat to Little Tobago Island, just off the coast, led by the intrepid Zolani.  A tiny island rich in history, Little Tobago’s main attraction nowadays is its colony of seabirds.  Cresting the top of the island and looking out to the east, a great show of Red-billed Tropicbirds and two kinds of boobies can be had.  Zolani told us all about the strange history of the Birds of Paradise on the island, and showed us the occupied burrows of Audubon’s Shearwaters on the forest floor.  As we pulled away from the island we were fortunate to spot a few Scaly-naped Pigeons, a recent arrival here.  Having seen a good slice of Tobago, we headed back to Cuffie for a proper dinner.

On our final day of birding, we took a leisurely time in the morning steeped in the birdlife around Cuffie River, and were met by the excellent local guide Desmond, a wonderful, lively child of nature who hops about and whistles a bit like a manakin, and whose skills in interpreting the world around him are rivaled only by his skill with the machete.  And indeed he showed us the gorgeous Blue-backed Manakin, not found on Trinidad, as well as a sleeping potoo, and a host of other birds.  We all greatly enjoyed our morning ramble, and after lunch at the lodge decided to take the afternoon off to fully process our experiences, and to take advantage of our home.  Next day it was off to the airport and away.

Trinidad and Tobago is full of wonderful birds, wonderful food and people, and has a very special atmosphere all its own.  I love this tour!  Thanks to all for making it so enjoyable.      

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Tour Notes

Maximum group size 10 with one leader (and local guides).

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