Bulgaria in Spring

Birds and History

We begin our tour looking for the stunning Wallcreeper, a monotypic species which always catches the eye
We begin our tour looking for the stunning Wallcreeper, a monotypic species which always catches the eye
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
This world famous gorge is home to the iconic Wallcreeper
This world famous gorge is home to the iconic Wallcreeper
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
The mountain rivers of the Rhodope mountains are home to this charasmastic bird
The mountain rivers of the Rhodope mountains are home to this charasmastic bird
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
One of many mammals we can enjoy on this tour
One of many mammals we can enjoy on this tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
The beautiful village of Yagodina is one of our bases on the tour
The beautiful village of Yagodina is one of our bases on the tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
The valleys of the Lesser Rhodopes will echo with the sound of the iconic Common Cuckoo
The valleys of the Lesser Rhodopes will echo with the sound of the iconic Common Cuckoo
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
A rare eastern European breeding species
A rare eastern European breeding species
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
A rare highlight of our visits to Bulgaria
A rare highlight of our visits to Bulgaria
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
The volcanic landscape of Madzharovo is breathtaking and full of birds.  Black Stork, Eastern Orphean Warbler, and Cinereous Vulture can all be found here.
The volcanic landscape of Madzharovo is breathtaking and full of birds. Black Stork, Eastern Orphean Warbler, and Cinereous Vulture can all be found here.
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
A beautiful stork that spends most of its time in mountain forests
A beautiful stork that spends most of its time in mountain forests
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
One of three vulture species we can find on this tour
One of three vulture species we can find on this tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Cinereous Vulture is of three species of Vulture we hope to catch up with on our tour
Cinereous Vulture is of three species of Vulture we hope to catch up with on our tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Woodchat Shrike is one of our targets for the stunning Studen Kladenets volcanic region
Woodchat Shrike is one of our targets for the stunning Studen Kladenets volcanic region
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
The rolling mountains of eastern Bulgaria make a picturesque backdrop
The rolling mountains of eastern Bulgaria make a picturesque backdrop
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Eastern Imperial Eagle is another species with a very limited range in Europe, making it a big target for our tour
Eastern Imperial Eagle is another species with a very limited range in Europe, making it a big target for our tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Masked Shrike is a highlight in the south east section of our Bulgaria tour. (PD)
Masked Shrike is a highlight in the south east section of our Bulgaria tour. (PD)
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Black-headed Bunting is a beautiful bird which is often found in the rollings hills of the Rhodope Mountains. (PD)
Black-headed Bunting is a beautiful bird which is often found in the rollings hills of the Rhodope Mountains. (PD)
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Semicollared Flycatcher is a prized species found in deciduous woodlands in eastern Bulgaria
Semicollared Flycatcher is a prized species found in deciduous woodlands in eastern Bulgaria
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
An adorable small mammal which is fascinating to watch
An adorable small mammal which is fascinating to watch
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
One of many flora highlights we can expect as we travel across Bulgaria
One of many flora highlights we can expect as we travel across Bulgaria
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Golden jackal is one of the main mammal highlights of our tour
Golden jackal is one of the main mammal highlights of our tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
The colours of a European Roller are simply unforgettable
The colours of a European Roller are simply unforgettable
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Pomorie Salt Pans is a vitally important waterbird migration route and home to many species. (PD)
Pomorie Salt Pans is a vitally important waterbird migration route and home to many species. (PD)
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
A tiny tern full of character
A tiny tern full of character
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Bulgaria sits on the western edge of the striking Dalmatian Pelican's range, making it a big target for our tour
Bulgaria sits on the western edge of the striking Dalmatian Pelican's range, making it a big target for our tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Flocks of Great White Pelican are one of the highlights of our tour
Flocks of Great White Pelican are one of the highlights of our tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
One of our picturesque bases for the tour
One of our picturesque bases for the tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
European Turtle Dove is now a highly prized species on any European tour due to their declining population.
European Turtle Dove is now a highly prized species on any European tour due to their declining population.
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Lesser Gray Shrike is a striking bird which also has a delightful song
Lesser Gray Shrike is a striking bird which also has a delightful song
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Northern Wheatear is one of many migrants we hope to see on this tour
Northern Wheatear is one of many migrants we hope to see on this tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
The stunning Cape Kaliakra features amazing plains landscapes and the beautiful coast of the Black Sea, a great place to watch passing Yelkouan Shearwaters.
The stunning Cape Kaliakra features amazing plains landscapes and the beautiful coast of the Black Sea, a great place to watch passing Yelkouan Shearwaters.
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
A beautiful mountain species which we can also find on the Black Sea coast
A beautiful mountain species which we can also find on the Black Sea coast
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
The eastern coast of Bulgaria is the best place to find this beautiful species
The eastern coast of Bulgaria is the best place to find this beautiful species
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
A common bird but no less beautiful for it
A common bird but no less beautiful for it
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
A beautiful lake on the Danube River which is teeming with wildlife
A beautiful lake on the Danube River which is teeming with wildlife
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
A beautiful and increasingly rare duck species
A beautiful and increasingly rare duck species
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
A beautiful falcon and one of many birds of prey found on our tour
A beautiful falcon and one of many birds of prey found on our tour
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
We will look for this striking bird along the Danube River
We will look for this striking bird along the Danube River
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
The Feldegg subspecies of Western Yellow Wagtail is an absolute beauty
The Feldegg subspecies of Western Yellow Wagtail is an absolute beauty
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
Our tour is timed with the bloom of huge fields of wild flowers
Our tour is timed with the bloom of huge fields of wild flowers
Oil Reville and Petar Dilchev (PD)
2025 Tour Price
Single Room Supplement $210
This tour is limited to 10 participants with two leaders.
Tour balances paid by check/bank transfer may carry a 4% discount

Located on the Black Sea, Bulgaria sits on one of Europe’s key bird migration flyways. Its varied habitats offer great variety - we can expect 150-200 species including Wallcreeper, 20+ species of birds of prey, rare European breeding species, and a rich overall natural history. We’ll also visit places of history, mysticism, and legend, most revolving around one of the world’s most ancient civilisations, the Thracians, including multiple UNESCO world heritage sites.

Our tour is set in some of Europe’s most spectacular scenery with a range of comfortable hotels and excellent food also on offer.

Tour Team
Itinerary (Click to see more)

Day 1: We’ll begins this evening in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. For those who have arrived early there will be optional afternoon birding  on Vitosha mountain. Night in a hotel at the foot of Vitosha mountain, Sofia.

Days 2-3: We’ll begin by driving to the lovely small village of Yagodina in the Rhodope mountains. Along the way we’ll have several birding breaks looking for Red-backed Shrike, Black-headed Bunting, and European Honey Buzzard among others. We’ll arrive late afternoon in Yagodina, perhaps with time to visit Devil’s Throat cave, nearby and famous in Thracian mythology as the location where Orpheus descended into the underworld.

On our second day, we’ll begin with a pre breakfast walk around the village of Yagodina. Species we can expect include Pallid Swift,, Sombre Tit, Red-rumped Swallow, Black Redstart, European Serin, and Cirl Bunting.

After breakfast we’ll explore the area around Trigrad Gorge, on the border with Greece. The steep-sided gorge is home to a strange subspecies of Black Pine which grows out of the bare rock without the need for any soil. While the beauty of the location is alluring, the primary reason for our visit is the mystical Wallcreeper, in its own bird family, the Tichodromidae, and one of the world’s most extraordinary birds.  While we search for this iconic species, we’ll look as well for Alpine Swift, White-throated Dipper, Crag Martin, among others. Nights in Yagodina.

Days 4-5: We’ll leave early for our drive east across the Rhodope Mountains. Along the way we’ll visit the town of Perperikon, an ancient settlement dating to 8000 B.C. and featuring buildings carved into the rocks. Perperikon holds the famous temple of Dionysius where it is said a prophecy that Alexander the Great would rule the world was delivered. If time allows in the afternoon, we’ll look for birds close to our accommodation.

The following day we’ll continue our explorations, visiting birding sites around Madzharovo and Studen Kladenets, an ancient volcanic region with beguiling scenery. Large birds of prey species are numerous here, and we’ll hope to connect with Griffon, Egyptian and Cinereous Vultures at close range. Other birds could include Short-toed Snake Eagle, Black-eared Wheatear, Woodchat Shrike, Eastern Orphean, Eastern Subalpine, and Barred Warblers, and Crested Lark. Nights in Madzharovo.

Days 6-7: We’ll drive to the Black Sea coast and the ancient town of Sozopol from which we’ll explore the southern section of Bulgaria’s bird migration highway. On the way we’ll search for Eastern Imperial Eagle, Masked Shrike, and Isabelline Wheatear.

The next day we’ll explore the Pomorie saltpans and lakes around the city of Burgas, the most significant wetlands along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and host to a huge range of species including Pied Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, Sandwich and Little Terns, Kentish Plover, Mediterranean Gull, Great Reed Warbler, Bearded Reedling, Little Bittern, Ruddy Shelduck, White-tailed and Lesser Spotted Eagles, and, provided water levels are favorable, many migrant shorebirds, almost certainly including Curlew Sandpiper, and Little Stint. Nights in Sozopol.

Days 8-9: We’ll continue north along the Black Sea, stopping en route in an ancient oak woodland for the localised Semicollared Flycatcher as well as Levant Sparrowhawk and Black and Middle Spotted Woodpeckers.

While in Bulgaria’s northeastern corner we’ll investigate the wild steppes of the Kaliakra reserve, starting at Durankulak Lake looking for Squacco Heron, Ferruginous Duck, Collared Pratincole, Paddyfield Warbler, and Red-footed Falcon. The nearby 200-foot cliffs of Cape Kaliakra and the 2400-year-old fort on the cliff top have a significant Roman and Byzantine history, all of which will form a backdrop to our birding, with Pied Wheatear, Greater Short-toed and Calandra Larks, Eurasian Thick-knee, and Rosy Starling all possible. From the cliff top we can watch for aquatic mammals and groups of Yelkouan Shearwaters moving along the coast. We’ll finish the day with a search for the mighty Eurasian Eagle-Owl. Nights in Krapets.

Day 10: We’ll visit two UNESCO World Heritage Site, the first being the Thracian tomb of Sveshtari with its stunning murals. It’s 2300 years old and holds the tomb of Dromichaetes, a Thracian king who defeated Alexander the Great’s successor, Lysimachus.   After lunch we’ll  travel to the Srebarna Nature Reserve, yet another UNESCO world heritage site offering superb birding with a great combination of water and woodland birds. The endangered Dalmatian Pelican is a key reason for our visit, but other interesting species include Ferruginous Duck, and all the heron, bittern, and egret species that occur in Europe. In the evening, we may also see the enigmatic Golden Jackal, the only species of jackal outside of Africa. Night in Vetren.

Day 11: On our final full day we’ll visit more important birding locations in the Sreburna reserve, notably the Maluk Preslavets Marsh, a fascinating area for birds and for flora, including the beautiful White-Water Lily. After lunch we’ll begin our transfer to Bucharest for our final meal. Night in Bucharest.

Day 12: The tour concludes this morning in Bucharest.

Last updated Feb 11, 2024
Tour Information (Click to see more)

Note: The information presented below has been extracted from our formal General Information for this tour.  It covers topics we feel potential registrants may wish to consider before booking space.    The complete General Information for this tour will be sent to all tour registrants and of course supplemental information, if needed, is available from the WINGS office.

ENTERING BULGARIA: Citizens of USA, UK, Canada, and Australia will need a passport valid for at least six months beyond your intended date of departure and with at least one blank page for an entry stamp. No visa is required for tourist visits of fewer than 90 days in a 180-day period.

COUNTRY INFORMATION: You can review the U.S. Department of State Country Specific Travel Information here: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel.html. Review foreign travel advice from the UK government here: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice and travel advice and advisories from the Government of Canada here:  https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories.

HEALTH: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all travelers be up to date on routine vaccinations. These include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot. They further recommend that most travelers have protection against Hepatitis A and B.

The most current information about travelers’ health recommendations can be found on the CDC’s  Travel Health website at http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/list

Bring all the special medication you are likely to need during the tour as it may be difficult to obtain a resupply. 

Altitude:  We’ll reach a maximum elevation of just under 5000 feet. 

Drinking Water:  Water is said to be safe to drink at all the places we stay, but bottled water is widely available. 

Insects: Insects shouldn’t be too much of a nuisance during our tour. It is worth checking yourself after walking in long grass in case of ticks.

Smoking: Smoking or vaping is prohibited in the vehicles or when the group is gathered for meals, checklists, etc.  While in the field or traveling, use of a smokeless alternative such as nicotine gum is requested. Please do not smoke at short stops while traveling. If you smoke in the field, do so well away and downwind from the group and leave ample time between smoking and getting back into the vehicle. If you are sharing a room with a non-smoker, please do not smoke in the room. If any lodge, accommodation or location where the group is staying or is gathered has a more restrictive smoking policy than WINGS’ policy, the more restrictive policy will prevail. The leader reserves the right to modify this policy if the situation warrants it.

Food Allergies / Requirements: We cannot guarantee that all food allergies can be accommodated at every destination. Participants with significant food allergies or special dietary requirements should bring appropriate foods with them for those times when their needs cannot be met. Announced meal times are always approximate depending on how the day unfolds. Participants who need to eat according to a fixed schedule should bring supplemental food. Please contact the WINGS office if you have any questions. 

Miscellaneous:  In a few areas we may encounter small ticks but they are very scarce. The sun can be surprisingly strong so some sun block is a good idea. 

PACE OF TOUR:  Some days will start with an optional pre-breakfast excursion which will last between one and two hours. After breakfast we will usually head out for the day. Some days we will spend one night in a hotel so please have your luggage ready to go with us after breakfast. Provided the weather is fine, we’ll have a picnic lunch. Some days we may return to the hotel for a break in the afternoon, but generally we’ll be out birding until about an hour before dinner, the time of which will vary depending on our itinerary.

The tour is not strenuous and is designed to be taken at a relaxed pace. However, in a couple of places we will walk on stony ground and up rocky valleys. Leisurely walks of up to 1 or 2km over easy terrain will be all that is required.

CLIMATE: It is generally warm and pleasant in May with temperatures ranging between 17°C (63°F) and 27°C (80°F) in the daytime, but cooler in the early morning and evenings. The weather is usually stable during May but rain could occur along the Black Sea coast and in mountainous regions near the start of the tour.

ACCOMMODATION: Throughout the tour we will be staying at comfortable, good quality hotels and a guest house owned by our Bulgaria agent. All rooms have a private bathroom with a shower. Hairdryers not provided, bring your own if you think you need one. Please note that several of the hotels feature showers which do not consist of a separate cubicle. We would recommend bringing shower shoes or flip flops as floors may be wet after taking a shower.

There are nice (outdoor) swimming pools at a couple of the hotels, and guests are welcome to use them, but we are seldom if ever at the hotel at a time of the day when the temperature is conducive to swimming.

Please note than none of our hotels will feature an elevator so please ensure you are able to manage your luggage up and down stairs.

Internet and Mobile Phone Access:  Our hotels have reasonably good Wi-Fi connection, and guests can use this on their own devices free of charge. Mobile phone access is very good throughout most of Bulgaria.

FOOD: Meals at all our hotels will be plentiful with a variety of local foods. Our picnic lunches will also consist of local meats, cheeses, salads, and breads. Each evening we will have a meal at our hotel or a local restaurant nearby. Vegetarians are well catered for.

Drinks: Bottled water and/or a soft drink or a beer is provided at lunch and dinner, as is coffee or tea. Bottled water is provided in the vehicle during the day. All other drinks or ‘personal’ drinking water for use in your room is the responsibility of the individual. 

TRANSPORTATION: Transportation will be in minibuses driven by the leaders. Bottled water is provided on the minibuses. The leader will arrange a seating rotation. Participants must be willing and able to ride in any seat in our tour vehicles.

Last updated Feb 11, 2024
Bird Lists (Click to see more)
Map (Click to see more)
Narrative (Click to see more)

2024 Narrative

IN BRIEF: Our 2024 Bulgaria Birding and Culture Tour took us on a wonderful adventure across the length and breadth of this fascinating country. Despite some unseasonal weather we discovered a great selection of brilliant bird species plus a wide range of other fauna and flora. On top of this the cultural visits, breathtaking landscapes, delicious food, and warm hospitality made for a fantastic tour. Birding highlights included the iconic Wallcreeper, incredible views of migrating Eurasian Hobby and Red-footed Falcon, hundreds of Great White and Dalmatian Pelicans soaring above us, an amazing 21 species of birds of prey, and eastern specialists like Masked Shrike, Semicollared Flycatcher, Paddyfield Warbler, and Olive-tree Warbler.

IN FULL: With the group arriving in a staggered fashion our tour began with an optional birding session at Vitosha Mountain Nature Park. Set in a beautiful landscape around one of the ski centres and we were able to enjoy alpine specials like Spotted Nutcracker, Ring Ouzel, and Dunnock. Other species were Eurasian Crag Martin, Common Kestrel, Mistle Thrush, and very showy Black Redstart, Grey Wagtail, and European Chaffinch. In the evening, we enjoyed our welcome meal and looked forward to the tour ahead.

The following morning, and with unseasonal wet weather, we visited our first cultural site of the tour, the stunning Rila Monastery. Despite the weather we did also add Pallid Swift to our list here. A short birding session further up the Rila mountain yielded Northern Raven, Song Thrush and calling Common Goldcrest, Coal Tit, and Common Chiffchaff. However, the weather slowly beat us as rain and fog moved in. After lunch, and with the weather still tough going, we switched plans and visited the superb Melnik winery where we were able to sample 5 local wines and have a tour of the vineyard. Finally, as evening approached, the weather yielded and we had a wonderful hour birding session close the vineyard, with great views of Black-headed Bunting, Red-backed and Woodchat Shrikes, Crested Lark, Corn Bunting, plus much more. A great end to a wet but bird-filled day.

The following morning, we decided to make the most of the dry weather and use the afternoon for travel due to impending rain. Early morning birding outside our hotel gave us great views of Alpine Swift and European Bee-eater, amongst others. Our first stop of the day was a volcanic valley where Eurasian Green Woodpecker, Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear, and Cirl Bunting all showed well in fantastic habitat. As the morning progressed, we headed to the ancient Roman town of Heraclea Sintica, one of the most exciting classical archaeological sites in the region. While we wandered around this fascinating site we continued birding with the star being a superb adult Eleonora’s Falcon drifting over with a Eurasian Hobby in close attendance. Other birds seen here included Common Nightingale and Northern Wheatear, while Eurasian Hoopoe and Cetti’s Warbler were heard. After lunch we started the long drive to our next location in Yagodina, stopping briefly to enjoy great views of White-throated Dipper in a nearby river. We arrived in Yagodina with the hope of better weather in the morning. 

With better weather in store for us today we made an early start with a pre breakfast walk around the village. In beautiful morning light we enjoyed Pallid Swift, Sombre Tit, Eurasian Bullfinch, and European Serin, with a pair of distant Roe Deer offering something different.  After breakfast we began the short drive to the famous Trigrad Gorge in the hope of spotting Wallcreeper, the star bird of our tour so far. After a short wait we enjoyed distant views of this iconic species before the bird gave itself up fully and showed brilliantly for the entire group. Celebrating a job well done we moved to the meadows and forest behind Trigrad Village where we had Coal Tit, Common Firecrest, White-throated Dipper, and Eurasian Wren. After lunch we headed deep into the forest where the biggest surprise was a stunning European Roller which was found by one of the group. Also, here we enjoyed Black Woodpecker, Eurasian Jay, European Crested Tit, and Whinchat. With the sun dropping behind the mountains, we headed back to our hotel in Yagodina.

The next day was primarily a transfer day but we enjoyed some good birding and cultural stops along the way. Our first stop was the picturesque Asenova Fortress and as well as being a fantastic cultural site we also had good views of Blue Rock Thrush and Marsh Tit which were new for the trip. Our lunch stop near the village of Dobrostan also gave us some great sightings with European Honey Buzzard, Common Cuckoo, and Willow Tit being the highlights. The discovery of the incredibly rare Fly Orchid gave the botanists in the group a very exciting moment and we also enjoyed brief views of Souslik, a small ground squirrel. Our final stop of the day was the ancient city of Perperikon which we reached in glorious evening sunshine. We explored the ancient ruins and nature watching continued with Eurasian Hoopoe, Lesser Whitethroat, and Eastern Orphean Warbler adding the birding excitement while Balkan Green Lizard and a superb Hermann’s Tortoise were also found. We finished the day with a well-deserved meal at our hotel and a refreshing drink, much needed after finally feeling some warm southern European weather.  

The following morning’s birding would take place around the town of Madzharovo. A pre-breakfast walk around the town parks gave us Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Syrian Woodpecker, Eurasian Golden Oriole, and others. After breakfast we headed to Madzharovo Crater where we would spend most of the day dodging showers. Highlights of our visit included Griffon Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Booted Eagle, Short-toed Snake Eagle, Black Kite, Barred Warbler, Eastern Subalpine Warbler, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear, Black Stork, and a very unusual sight of two Eurasian Spoonbill migrating high overhead. Our final diurnal stop near the crater gave us Chukar and Rock Bunting as new birds for the trip and a nocturnal walk around the town gave us good views of Scops Owl, where multiple birds were heard singing in the warm evening air.

The next day we would head to the dry lands of the beautiful Eastern Rhodope lowlands. Our first stop gave us good views of European Honey Buzzard, European Roller, Olive-tree Warbler, and Eurasian Hoopoe. Next, we moved on to a scrubby area near the village of Studen Kladenets where Eastern Subalpine Warbler gave us the run around but eventually showed well. With the temperature rising we stopped for lunch. Birding around our lunch spot gave us great views of Egyptian Vulture, European Roller, Lesser Grey Shrike, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear, and Cirl Bunting. Our final stop of the day was the Arda River. This site is home to Thracian burial tombs but also a great spot for birding with Golden Eagle, Common Kingfisher, Long-tailed Tit, and Eurasian Nuthatch showing here. We also had a huge Horned Woodcock Orchid nearby. After a hot day we were glad to return to our hotel and once again enjoy great food and a refreshing drink. 

We had another hot day in store, with some distance to travel meant birding targeting specific species rather than more general birding. Our first stop was the village of Levka. This small village has become famous for its successful Lesser Kestrel reintroduction program, and we enjoyed several flying around the site. While here we also had good views of Lesser Spotted Eagle, Booted Eagle, and Masked Shrike. After lunch we moved further northeast where our main target was the incredibly rare Eastern Imperial Eagle which duly obliged in giving us distant but prolonged views. Also present were a superb Long-legged Buzzard and we finally enjoyed good views of Barred Warbler.  The rest of the day was spent travelling to our beautiful hotel in Sozopol, a picturesque town on the southern Black Sea coast. After a hot day the cool sea breeze was very welcomed. 

Today we would explore the Burgas area and its many lakes which make it a fantastic birding area. Before breakfast a few of the group walked along the front of Sozopol near our accommodation where we recorded Pygmy Cormorant, Lesser-Spotted Woodpecker, Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, and Spotted Flycatcher. After breakfast the whole group headed towards Burgas where we would explore the numerous lakes. Our first stop gave us a number of species including our first Great White and Dalmatian Pelican of the tour. Also here were Purple Heron and European Honey Buzzard. Moving on to Mandrensko Lake our list increased with our first Red-footed Falcon plus good views of Lesser Spotted Eagle and Garganey. After lunch we explored the Poda protected area where we enjoyed Black-winged Stilt, Little, Common, and Whiskered Terns, Eurasian Oystercatcher, and a brief Collared Pratincole.In the afternoon we visited yet another lake where we had great views of Greater Flamingo, Pied Avocet, Ruff, and Mediterranean Gull. We returned to Sozopol very satisfied with our day’s birding around the lakes of Burgas.

Our next day would mostly serve as a transfer day between Burgas and the northern Black Sea coast near Varna. Due to high water levels out first stop only gave us a few species but gave great views of Black-winged Stilt, Pied Avocet, Black-bellied Plover plus Little, Sandwich, and Common Tern. As we headed north our next stop was a targeted one and after a bit of a wait we enjoyed amazing views of the increasingly rare Ortolan Bunting. Other birds seen in the open woodland were Black-headed Bunting, Eurasian Golden Oriole, and European Bee-Eater.  Our final stop of the day was old woodland which made up a nature reserve near an old Soviet sports park! Despite the mosquitos we managed to find some fabulous birds including 5 species of woodpecker (Middle Spotted, Great Spotted, Lesser Spotted, Grey-headed, and Eurasian Green) plus the highly prized Semi-collared Flycatcher. We arrived in the north-east corner of Bulgaria as the sun was setting, making a great backdrop to our delightful seaside restaurant and hotel.

Our first day full day in the area began with a pre breakfast walk along the coast near Krapets. A relatively quiet walk was shaken awake by stunning views of both Red-footed Falcon and Eurasian Hobby migrating northwards, with one Eurasian Hobby flying past us at just a few metres range. After breakfast we birded the eastern shore of Durankulak lake where we enjoyed a wide range of species. The birding started with a big surprise in the car park where we had fantastic views of a first summer Common Rosefinch, a rare breeder in Bulgaria. Highlights on the lake included Garganey, numerous Ferruginous Duck, White-tailed Eagle, Red-footed Falcon, Eurasian Hobby, and a Dalmatian Pelican on the sea. After lunch the group split, with many deciding to enjoy the hotel’s pool. A small group enjoyed a long walk around the borders of Shabla Lake. A great range of species were seen here with highlights including Paddyfield Warbler, Marsh Warbler, Black Woodpecker, and Levant Sparrowhawk, plus many more species.  Once this small group returned we reunited over yet another wonderful meal in our seaside restaurant.

Our next day would be spent heading inland towards the Romanian border on the Danube River. However first we visited some coastal birding sites with different habitat offerings than the previous day. Unfortunately, the wind had really picked up overnight which made the birding challenging. However, at our first stop we enjoyed fabulous views of Eurasian Thick-knee, Greater Short-toed Lark, and Isabelline Wheatear. Moving on to the popular Cape Kaliakra we had great views of another Wheatear, this time Pied Wheatear. Other birds seen here included Alpine Swift and Arctic Loon while nearby we enjoyed close views of Calandra Lark.  With the wind really picking up we headed inland. A random stop gave us a truly special moment with prolonged views of Laughing Dove, one of the first confirmed breeding in Bulgaria. Our final stop of the day was the superb Srebana Lake Nature Reserve. With the wind far calmer here and the temperature more pleasant we chose a suitable vantage point and scanned the large lake for birds. In just over an hour, we recorded 51 species with highlights being Ruddy Shelduck, Whiskered Tern, Glossy Ibis, and good numbers of both Dalmatian and Great White Pelican. We arrived at our rustic and quaint lodge to the sound of Golden Orioles and Common Nightingale singing all around us. 

Our final pre breakfast walk of the tour saw us explore the small village of Vetren near our hotel. In beautiful early morning light we had fantastic views of Eurasian Wryneck and European Pied Flycatcher plus the astonishing sighting of a Leucistic Red-backed Shrike, a truly one off moment.  After breakfast we headed west for our final cultural visit at Sveshtari. The Thracian tomb of Sveshtari is a fantastically preserved tomb which was thought to contain the body of the Thracian king who defeated the heir to Alexander the Great. We even had some birds here with Lesser Spotted Eagle and Northern Wheatear giving great views. After lunch, and a siesta during the hottest part of the day, we headed back to Srebarna Lake. In four hours exploring the lake’s borders we racked up 80 species and had some wonderful experiences. Highlights included Red-crested Pochard, a briefly heard Little Crake, a breeding plumage Ruff, hundreds of Great White Pelican soaring overhead, Little Bittern, Black-crowned Night Heron, Glossy Ibis, White-tailed Eagle, and Eurasian Penduline-Tit.

Our final full day saw us visit the beautiful Malak Preslavets Marsh. A walk along the eastern shore of the lake gave us Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Red-backed Shrike, Marsh Warbler, and multiple Great Reed Warbler. Over the lake we witnessed a fantastic spectacle of hundreds of Whiskered Terns nesting on the lily pads which cover the north end of the lake. High above the lake an aerial battle between a Booted Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, and two Common Buzzards kept us very entertained. In the afternoon we transferred to Bucharest in Romania where our tour would end.

-Oli Reville

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Testimonials (Click to see more)

Oli is an excellent guide. He was always patient and helpful. He knew the birds we were looking for and was adept at getting everyone on the birds. He kept to schedule, which I think was hard with this group. He also helped me with a question about after the tour which I consider above and beyond.

- Marcia B. on Bulgaria in Spring

Oli was knowledgeable about the birds and the region. He was also knowledgeable about birds all over the world in general and could talk about where to see a particular species and when, even on the other side of the world. I was very impressed! He was also fun!

- Carol N. on Bulgaria in Spring
Tour Notes


This tour is limited to 10 participants with two leaders.

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Sep 7-17, 2025 Oli Reville and a local leader